Friday, 25 May 2007

Mrs Ball's

To anyone who grew up, or who has spent an extended period of time in South Africa, Mrs Ball's is is an institution. Whenever friends and family come over and ask whether they can bring me anything from home I always reply "Mrs Ball's please". Mrs H.S. Ball's Chutney!

If you don't know Mrs Ball's, it is positively the best chutney on earth. Generations have been raised on this stuff. Imagine my surprise when I saw a shelf full of Mrs Ball's in the supermarket today. "Tuna... where is the tuna? Over here? No, that's Mrs Ball's. Where is the damn tuna? MRS BALL's?!"

"Can't be", I thought, "time for a little authenticity test". But it was real, it said so right there on the cap: "Shake the bottle - Skud die bottel".

At the cash register I excitedly blurted out that this is "REALLY good stuff" and pledged lifelong loyalty to this particular supermarket chain. And "this is like mother's milk to me and..." The check-out lady lazily replied that as part of a seasonal promotion they will only temporarily stock this brand of "BBQ sauce".

BBQ Sauce?! Chutney you...! For the love of all that's decent, it's Mrs H.S. Ball's Chutney!

1 comment:

Charl P. Botha said...

Jy gaan moet opstock op die goed. :) Self het ek op een of ander manier nooit die chutney verslawing gekry nie. Ek's bereid om die wet te oortree vir biltong en droƫwors, maar chut nie. (ha ha)